Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A Series of Events

So this has been an awful week. If its not one things its another. Every so often the unit does these marriage retreats, all expenses paid at a nice hotel or resort on the island for a weekend. Our Batallion has one coming up and we were so excited. Well come to find out, we didnt get selected (maybe the Army thinks we have a good enough marraige?! lol just kiddin). I was pretty bummed about that, seeing as it is my birthday weekend and that would have been a great (free) present! Then today James calls me and says that he got assigned his very frist staff duty, on my birthday, which means he has to work all night and doesnt come home until the next morning. BUMMER!! I get to spend my birthday night alone now, and I was pretty upset about it. Keep in mind, I am pregnant and hormonal, so the slightest bit of bad news makes me want to cry for I know I am probably over reacting a little. So by this point, I'm so mad at the Army for ruining my week!
Earlier in the week he had a working lunch where they talk to the Battalion Commander about upcoming events and what not. He told me that at the meeting he asked the Colonel if he would get to stay for the birth of the baby. The Col. told him "More than likely if your due date is within 30 days of the unit going to Iraq, then you can stay, but we will keep you posted" (which we are w/in the 30 days). In my mind this is good news, but I know the Army and therefore I know not to really get my hopes up. Ultimately he has a job that he signed up to do and it is his duty to serve his country, and I fully understand that. And of course with all the other bad news this week from the Army I wasnt really getting my hopes up....
So I'm still all mad about my birthday being ruined, when I get a text that it has been confirmed that he gets to stay for Connor's birth! My attitude completely changed at this point. I felt so bad for getting mad/upset over the small things, when its the big things that really matter. We are both so greatful that he will get to stay. Next to our wedding day this will be the biggest day of our lives, and I dont know what I would have done if we werent together for it. I do know that there have been plenty of military families out there who have had to do it (my best friend Sarah being one of them) and I definatly feel for them. I have worried about this ever since we found out about deployment. I am glad that this is no longer something we will have to worry about. I want to say thank you to the Batallion Commander for letting James stay, and to God for answering our prayers, and to everyone who has been praying about this! We are truly blessed.

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